Sale 2466 - Icons & Images: Photographs & Photobooks, February 15, 2018

62 c LEWIS W. HINE (1874-1940) Worker on platform, (with shadow of tower). Silver contact print, the image measuring 3 3 / 4 x4 3 / 4 inches (9.5x12.1 cm. ), the sheet slightly larger, with Hine’s Interpretive Photography, Hastings- on-Hudson hand stamp and numeric notation, in pencil, on verso. 1930-31 [7,000/10,000] 63 c LEWIS W. HINE (1874-1940) Derrick and workers on girder, Empire State Building. Silver contact print, the image measuring 4 3 / 4 x3 5 / 8 inches (12.1x9.1 cm.), with notations in the negative and Hine’s Interpretive Photography, Hastings-on-Hudson hand stamp and numeric notation, in pencil, on verso. 1930-31 [10,000/15,000] Hine, Men at Work, Photographic Studies of Men and Machines (Macmillan Company), unpaginated. Langer, Lewis W. Hine, The Empire State Building (Prestel Publishers), p. 77 (variant). 62