Sale 2466 - Icons & Images: Photographs & Photobooks, February 15, 2018

58 c LEWIS W. HINE (1874-1940) Printer, Ethical Culture School, New York. Silver contact print, the image measuring 6 1 / 2 x4 1 / 2 inches (16.5x11.4 cm.), the sheet slightly larger, with Hine’s Interpretive Photography, Hastings- on-Hudson hand stamp, and his notations “One of the first studies ‘Men at Work,’” date, and numeric notations, in pencil, on verso. 1905; printed circa 1931 [3,000/4,500] One of Hine’s earliest photographs, the chiaroscuro lighting ref lects his study of Renaissance prints. He later referred to this picture as his “first bullseye” with a camera. Kaplan, Lewis W. Hine in Europe, The “Lost” Photographs (Abbeville Press), p. 19. Sampsell-Willmann, Lewis Hine as Social Critic (University Press of Mississippi), p. 167.