Sale 2466 - Icons & Images: Photographs & Photobooks, February 15, 2018

50 c LEWIS W. HINE (1874-1940) Italian family on the ferry boat landing at Ellis Island. Silver contact print, the image measuring 4 3 / 4 x6 3 / 4 inches (12.1x17.1 cm.), the sheet slightly larger, with Hine’s Interpretive Photography, Hastings-on-Hudson hand stamp and his title and date, in pencil, on verso. 1905; printed circa 1931 [4,000/6,000] Steinorth, ed., Lewis Hine, Passionate Journey, Photographs 1905-1937 (Edition Stemmle), p. 31. Now, suppose we are elbowing our way thru the mob at Ellis Island trying to stop the surge of bewildered beings. . . . Here is a small group that seems to have possibilities so we stop ‘em and explain in pantomine that it would be lovely if they would only stick around just a moment. . . . We get the focus, on ground glass of course, hoping that they will stay put, get the f lash lamp ready.