Sale 2466 - Icons & Images: Photographs & Photobooks, February 15, 2018

27 c ALFRED STIEGLITZ (1864-1946) Selection of 10 choice photogravures from Camera Work Numbers 36 (8) and 41 (2). Photogravures on tissue (9) and on card (one), the images measuring 5x6 1 / 4 to 8 3 / 4 x6 1 / 2 inches (12.7x15.9 to 22.2x16.5 cm.), the sheets approximately 8x11 inches (27.9x20.3 cm.), with one slightly smaller; 6 are bound into a complete section from Number 36 and 4 are loose, with the titles, in ink, in an unknown hand, on recto. 1892-1911; printed 1910-13 [6,000/9,000] From Number 36 (the first 6 are bound): The City of Ambition * The City Across the River * The Ferry Boat * The Mauretania * Lower Manhattan * Old and New New York * Excavating, New York * Swimming Lesson * and from Number 41 : The Asphalt Paver * A Snapshot— Paris .