Sale 2466 - Icons & Images: Photographs & Photobooks, February 15, 2018

291 c   ( JET PROPULSION LABORATORY—DEEP SPACE EXPLORATION) A lengthy, continuous roll with over 300 photographs that were transmitted to Earth by the Viking Lander and Voyager probes, associated with deep space travel to Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Moon. The rarely seen images depict some of the first computer generated digital imagery of Martian terrain, with panoramic views confirming Mars to be a barren, rocky wasteland. Also present on the roll are multiple series of photographs showing the abstract surface of Jupiter, the beautiful and luring rings of Saturn and lunar rotations of its moons, and those of other planets in our Solar System. Silver print, the entire roll measuring 5 inches x 122 ft. 9 inches (0.12x37.18 m.), with various technical information and coordinates in the negatives. Circa 1975   [3,000/4,500]