Sale 2466 - Icons & Images: Photographs & Photobooks, February 15, 2018

263 c   (GREAT DEPRESSION) Mini-archive of more than 75 photographs depicting topical events throughout the U.S. during the Depression, including the migration of “Okies” to California . Comprising 30 photographs by unidentified F.S.A. photographers of rural areas; 30 photographs documenting the ravages of the multi-year Dust Storm in Oklahoma (including two later prints of Arthur Rothstein’s); and 17 additional photographs, including scenes of jobless men as well as relief and reconstruction projects. Silver prints, the images measuring 7x9 to 8x11 1 / 2 inches (17.8x22.9 to 20.3x29.2 cm.), and the reverse, the sheet sizes slightly larger, most with hand stamps, dates, caption information and/or trimmed newspaper clippings, on verso, and a few with mimeographed slugs; approximately 25 photographs are either RC prints or were printed later. 1930s; printed 1930s-80s [2,000/3,000] 264 c   (BUSINESS LIQUIDATIONS) Group of 3 binders containing 85 photographs chronicling close-outs of Midwestern businesses during the Great Depression. Silver prints, the image areas measuring approximately 3 1 / 4 x5 1 / 2 to 8x10 inches (8.9x14 to 20.3x25.4 cm.), and the reverse, many with handwritten notations or labels on recto identifying the business and its location; a few with studio hand stamps on verso; with numerous typewritten letters, notebooks, inventories, and printed matter associated with the closures, which were mostly in North Dakota. Early 1930s [1,200/1,800] 263