Sale 2466 - Icons & Images: Photographs & Photobooks, February 15, 2018

261 c   (TRUCKING AND TRANSPORT) Contemporary binder containing 112 photographs of commercial vehicles, most with hand-lettered signage. Includes A&P Food Stores, Fairmont Ice Cream, Baldwin Milk, Sealtest Ice Cream, Atlas Fireproof Storage, Supreme Cake, Alderney Ice Cream, Frankford Dairies, and others. Silver prints, the images measuring 6 1 / 2 x10 1 / 2 inches (16.5x26.7 cm.), the sheets 8 1 / 2 x11 inches (21.6x27.9 cm.), with the Barry & Bailey credit in the negative; a few are duplicates. 1920s [2,500/3,500] 262 c   (CYANOTYPES—FORKLIFTS AND CONSUMER PRODUCTS) Contemporary binder containing 15 large-format, richly printed cyanotypes of warehouse workers operating early forklifts. With depictions of the “men at work” lifting pallets of product, including Gold Medal flour and Carnation condensed milk, with their automatic forklifts, manufactured in Chicago, Illinois. Cyanotypes, the images measuring approximately 8x10 inches (20.3x25.4 cm.), nearly all with an inventory number in the negative. 1920s [1,200/1,800] 261 262