Sale 2466 - Icons & Images: Photographs & Photobooks, February 15, 2018

255 c   (NEW YORK CITY—INTERBOROUGH RAPID TRANSIT) Album containing 35 exceptional photographs of subway and elevated railway construction projects throughout Manhattan, with stunning scenes of construction above- and underground, as well as modernist views of stations. Cyanotypes (14), platinum (7), and silver (14) prints, the images measuring 7 1 / 2 x9 1 / 4 inches (19.1x23.5 cm.), mounted recto only, each with a date, inventory number, and location in the plate and a brief typewritten caption affixed to mount recto; also includes 17 fold-out maps and 2 typed letters, one referring to “a sanitary investigation of the subway air.” Small folio, 1 / 4 morocco, edgewear. 1902-15 [3,000/4,500]