Sale 2466 - Icons & Images: Photographs & Photobooks, February 15, 2018

247 c NO LOT 248 c   (AN AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHER) A young photographer’s album with more than 130 accomplished and annotated photographs, including self-portraits, pictures of Boston, and travels throughout Virginia, Missouri, and California. Albumen prints, most of the images measuring 7 3 / 4 x4 3 / 4 inches (19.7x12.1 cm.), mounted recto/ verso, with a handwritten number and captions and dates below the print. Oblong small folio, debossed leatherette, soiled; ties. 1889-90 [4,000/6,000] The album is chock-a-block with a range of pictures reflecting this young cosmopolitan’s thoughtfully-composed photographs of his Grand Tour, from the East to West coasts. With pictures of his family life (in Boston) and relatives (in Missouri) and scenes of Yosemite. Includes prints of Boston’s gardens, harbors and streets; a few self-portraits, including one with a cable release and another showing him with his box camera; kittens and elephants; men with pistols and revolvers; picturesque scenes in Virginia; and rural views of farmer-relations in Missouri.