Sale 2466 - Icons & Images: Photographs & Photobooks, February 15, 2018

224 c CINDY SHERMAN (1954 - ) Self-portrait in swimsuit. Chromogenic print on Fuji Crystal archive paper, the image measuring 22x14 1 / 2 inches (55.9x36.8 cm.), the sheet 24x16 1 / 2 inches (61x41.9 cm.), with Sherman’s signature, dates, and the edition notation 8/100, in ink, on verso. 1983; printed 2000 [4,000/6,000] 225 c DAVID LACHAPELLE (1963-) Uma Thurman: Gossip. Lambda print, the image measuring 23 1 / 2 x17 1 / 2 inches (59.7x44.5 cm.), the sheet slightly larger, accompanied by LaChapelle’s studio label with his signature, in ink, and the printed title, date, edition notation 2/10, and printing notations. 1997 [4,000/6,000] From Guy Hepner Contemporary, New York; to a Private Collector, in 2006. 224 225