Sale 2466 - Icons & Images: Photographs & Photobooks, February 15, 2018

217 c HORST P. HORST (1906-1999) Ad for Satin Cigarettes, New York. Silver print, the image measuring 15 1 / 2 inches (39.4 cm.) square, the sheet 20x16 inches (50.8x40.6 cm.), with Horst’s signature, in ink, on recto, and his hand stamp and a title, in pencil, in an unknown hand, on verso. 1983 [4,000/6,000] 218 c HERB RITTS (1952-2002) Paulina with rubber glove, Springlake. Silver print, the image measuring 13x10 3 / 8 inches (33x26.5 cm.), the sheet slightly larger, with Ritts’ signature, and a title and date, in pencil, on verso. 1985 [3,000/4,500] 217 218