Sale 2466 - Icons & Images: Photographs & Photobooks, February 15, 2018

215 c ROBERT SILVERS (1968- ) LIFE: Marilyn Monroe. Ilfochrome composite print, the image measuring 57 7 / 8 x48 inches (147x122 cm.), flush mounted to aluminum, with a Fabien Fryns Gallery label containing Silvers’ signature, in ink, and the title and edition notation 4/6, on mount verso. 1999 [5,000/7,500] Silvers invented the photomosaic technology while he was still a student at MIT. His remarkable portraits and intricate montaged works are in the collections of AXA Courtage, Coca-Cola, CNN, Disney, FortuneMagazine, IBM, LucasfilmLtd., MasterCard International, National Geographic, and Newsweek.