Sale 2466 - Icons & Images: Photographs & Photobooks, February 15, 2018

214 c BERT STERN (1929-2013) The Marilyn Portfolio. With 7 photographs from “The Last Sitting;” also includes an “Index Print” with a composite of the 7 images. Archival pigment prints, the images measuring 21 inches (53.3 cm.) square, the sheets 24x22 1 / 2 inches (61x57.2 cm.), with Stern’s signature and edition notation 6/12, in wax pencil, on recto, and with the edition notation again, in wax pencil, and copyright credit and reproduction limitation hand stamps, on verso; each print is matted. Folio-sized black linen clamshell box; with multiple Certificates of Authentication signed by Stern and numbered, laid in, and a signed first edition of EROS magazine, Autumn, 1962. ONE OF 12 NUMBERED COPIES. New York: Ralph Ginzburgh, 1962; printed 2008-09 [18,000/22,000] Acquired directly from Bert Stern, in 2009.