Sale 2466 - Icons & Images: Photographs & Photobooks, February 15, 2018

210 c WILLIAM EGGLESTON (1939- ) Vegetation. Chromogenic print, the image measuring 10 1 / 8 x15 inches (25.7x38.1 cm.), the sheet 14x17 inches (35.6x43.2 cm.), with Eggleston’s signature, date, inscription, and proof notation 1 of 2, in ink, on verso. 1981-82 [3,000/4,500] 211 c ROBERT MAPPLETHORPE (1946-1989) Christmas tree, with a die-cut gold star. Silver print, the image measuring 4 1 / 4 inches (10.9 cm.) square, the sheet 10x8 inches (25.4x20.3 cm.), with Mapplethorpe’s signature and date, in ink, on recto. 1987 [4,000/6,000] 210 211