Sale 2466 - Icons & Images: Photographs & Photobooks, February 15, 2018

176 c SANTE D’ORAZIO (1956- ) Jaye Davidson (for Interview Magazine ). Silver print, the image measuring 23 1 / 4 x19 1 / 2 inches (59.1x49.5 cm), the sheet slightly larger, with D’Orazio’s signature, title, and inscription, in pencil and her copyright hand stamp, on verso. 1993; printed 1996   [2,000/3,000] Davidson was the star of Neil Jordan’s The Crying Game, for which he was nominated for an Academy Award. 177 c FIROOZ ZAHEDI (1949- ) Joan Chen in Los Angeles. Silver print, the image measuring 20x15 7 / 8 inches (50.8x40.3 cm.), with Zahedi’s signature, title, print date, and edition notation 1/20, in ink, and his copyright hand stamp, on verso. 1992-94 [3,000/4,500] 176 177