Sale 2455 - Printed & Manuscript Americana, September 28, 2017
36 38 38 c (ARIZONA.) Mexican printing of the Gadsden Purchase agreement, or the Venta de la Mesilla. [8] printed pages. Folio, 12 3 / 4 x 8 1 / 4 inches, disbound; moderate foxing; signed in type by Manuel Diez de Bonilla as Secretario de Estado, with his manuscript paraph below. Mexico, 20 July 1854 [4,000/6,000] first mexican edition . The Gadsden Treaty granted territory to from Mexico to the United States which had been in dispute since the conclusion of hostilities in 1848. It included a large portion of what became southern Arizona (most notably Tucson) and a smaller portion of southern New Mexico. It was the last major addition to the continental United States. The treaty was signed on 30 December 1853, ratified by the United States Congress with some changes on 25 April 1854, and with the approval of Santa Anna went into effect on 30 June. It was ordered to be printed by Santa Anna on 20 July. This is the official printing of that date by the Mexican Secretary of State’s office, with text in parallel columns of Spanish and English. The text begins “Secretario de Estado y del Despacho de Relaciones Exteriores. S.A.S. el general presidente se ha servido dirigirme el decreto. . . . Que habiéndose concluido y firmado en esta capital el dia de 30 de Diciembre del año próximo pasado de 1853, un Tratado entre la República Mejicana y los Estados-Unidos de América.” 3 copies traced in OCLC, and none others known to be sold at auction.