Sale 2455 - Printed & Manuscript Americana, September 28, 2017
271 c (TRAVEL.) Kotzebue,Otto von. Entdeckungs-Reise in die Süd-See und nach der Berings-Strasse zur Erforschung einer nordöstlichen Durchfahrt. 6 maps, 20 plates (all but one boldly hand-colored), 2 folding table. [6], xviii, [4], 91, [6], 96-168; 176; 240, [1] pages. 3 volumes in one. 4to, contemporary 1 / 2 calf, worn; minor foxing; edges tinted yellow; early bookplate of Christian Friedrich von Schrickell on front pastedown, later owners’ inked stamps on front flyleaf. Weimar, Germany, 1821 [5,000/7,500] probable first ( and best ) edition , on the second Russian scientific expedition to the Pacific. Contains important accounts of Chile, Brazil, the Easter Islands, Hawaii, California, and Alaska, with particular attention to natural history and the native inhabitants. Among its charms are an account of a month in San Francisco in 1816; the first scientific description of the Californian golden poppy; the discovery of Alaska’s Kotzebue Sound; extensive description of two visits to Hawaii; the well-known “red vest” portrait of its King Kamehameha (here captioned as Tammeamea); a vocabulary of the Mariana Islands; and 11 hand-colored plates of butterflies. The priority of this German edition versus the Russian edition of the same year is uncertain per Lada-Mocarski; the two have a very different selection of plates. The final volume definitely came out earlier in the German. Arctic Bibliography 9189; Borba de Moraes, page I:438; Cowan 1933, page 334; Forbes 1:525; Hill 943; Howes K258 (“b”); Lada-Mocarski 80; Sabin 38284; Streeter sale VI:3511; Zamorano Eighty 48.