Sale 2455 - Printed & Manuscript Americana, September 28, 2017
221 221 c (PRESIDENTS—1829.) Andrew Jackson, Magnanimous in Peace,Victorious in War. Printed on chintz fabric, 19 x 23 inches; moderate dampstaining, edge-mounted to later board with adhesive stain on right edge, light horizontal scratch. Np, circa 1829 [400/600] Printed on rollers in a repeating 14-inch pattern, this textile depicts Andrew Jackson in a decorative border, described as “President of the United States from March 4th to ___”, surrounded by slightly smaller portraits of his predecessors Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, and Adams, the USS Constitution, and an eagle, all on a decorative cloud pattern.The Metropolitan Museum of Art has a much larger version with this textile repeating over a 93 x 87-inch coverlet (see Peck,American Quilts & Coverlets, page 218); other smaller surviving examples vary widely in size. Collins,Threads of History 70. 222 (PRESIDENTS—1840 CAMPAIGN.) Mitchell, D.; compiler. The Log Cabin Songster, and Straight-Out Harrison Melodies. 105, [3] pages. 12mo, original cloth-backed printed boards, moderate wear; original owner’s inscription on front flyleaf, descendant’s inscription on rear flyleaf. Columbus, OH, [1840] [300/400] Words to dozens of Harrison campaign songs such as “Old Tip and the Log Cabin Boys.” Only one copy of this issue in OCLC. 223 c (PRESIDENTS—1856 CAMPAIGN.) The New “Democratic” Doctrine: Slavery not to be confined to the Negro race, but to be made the universal condition of the laboring classes of society. 2 pages on one sheet, 9 3 / 4 x 6 1 / 2 inches; uncut, foxing, moderate wear. [Maine?, 1856] [400/600] A Republican anti-Buchanan campaign circular. Other variants of the same circular are addressed to Rhode Island and New York voters, but this one concludes with an endorsement for Hannibal Hamlin in the Maine gubernatorial race: “For who will you cast your votes, Freemen of Maine?”