Sale 2455 - Printed & Manuscript Americana, September 28, 2017
205 205 c (OHIO.) Drowne, Solomon. An Oration . . . in Commemoration of the Commencement of the Settlement formed by the Ohio Company. [2], 17 pages. Large 4to, stitched; foxing, early manuscript correction (the author’s?) on page 7, minor dampstaining to first and last leaves, moderate edge wear; uncut, with decorative half-title page; signature of the author’s son Solomon H. Drowne (1796-1848) on front wrapper. Worcester, MA: Isaiah Thomas, 1789 [800/1,200] Solomon Drown (1753-1834) was a prominent Revolutionary War surgeon from Rhode Island. In 1788, he helped found the Ohio Company, which established the first American settlement in the Northwest Territories at Marietta, OH. This oration was delivered in Marietta to commemorate the first anniversary of the settlement. Here Drowne commemorates the first anniversary of the settlement, liberally interspersed with verse. He mentions several important figures in the settlement such as James Mitchell Varnum, Rufus Putnam,Arthur St. Clair, and John Heckewelder. Evans 21802. 206 c PAINE, THOMAS. Common Sense, Addressed to the Inhabitants of America, bound with an early edition of The Rights of Man and 3 other Paine titles of the same vintage. Frontispiece portrait. 36; 46, [2]; iv, 78, [1]; 90, [6]; 36; 40 pages. 6 volumes in one. Large 12mo, contemporary 1 / 4 calf over marbled boards, moderate wear; minor foxing; early private library tag on front pastedown, early owner’s inscription facing the second Rights of Man title. London: H.D. Symonds, 1792 [300/400] Gimbel CS-72. Bound with the following, all printed in London in 1792 by H.D. Symonds except as noted: A Letter Addressed to the Abbe Raynal (printed by J. Ridgway) * Rights of Man (in two parts) * Miscellaneous Articles (also printed by Ridgway) * Letters Addressed to the Addressers, on the Late Proclamation. BOUND IN ITS ORIGINAL PARTS 207 c (PENNSYLVANIA.) Art Work of Venango County, Published in Nine Parts. 53 collotype plates. [13] text leaves. 9 volumes. Folio, 13 3 / 4 x 10 3 / 4 inches, in original gilt- stamped illustrated wrappers, 2 reinforced on backstrip with tape, some others detached, 3rd and 9th parts lacking rear wrappers; 4th and 9th parts with slight damage to fore-edge; later inked owner’s inscriptions on first page of each volume. [Chicago]: W.H. Parish, 1898 [500/750] Though the title suggests otherwise, this serial publication contains full-page photographic views of this northwestern Pennsylvania county, particularly scenes from its two cities: Oil City and Franklin. 5 copies in OCLC, and none traced at auction. 208 c (PENNSYLVANIA.) [Jackson, Richard]. An Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania. viii, [18], 444 pages. 8vo, contemporary calf,moderate wear; front hinge split, moderate foxing. London: R. Griffiths, 1759 [400/600] first edition . Long attributed to Benjamin Franklin, but currently attributed to Jackson by ESTC. Howes P204; Sabin 25512.