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SCOTT,WALTER. Autograph Letter Signed, to James Nairne, requesting that he

check for errors in the work Scott did for the Ardwalls, and promising to give him a copy

of “Auld Robin Gray” if he can find one.Written in the blank margins above and below

the letter is an Autograph Note Signed by Nairne, “J.N.,” to “The H’ble Mrs. Erskine /

With Mr. Nairne’s Comp’ts,” dated November 2, 1840, sending Scott’s letter and explaining

that “Ardwall” refers to Scott’s cousin, Mr. McCulloch of Ardwall, and that “Old Robin

Gray” was a contribution by Scott to the Bannatyne Club. 1 page, 4to, with integral address

leaf additionally Signed,“W.S.” “Abbotsford” [Galashiels], 21 January 1831


I hope I have finished all Ardwall’s melancholy commission in proper form. I may however have

made some error & entreat you would let me know that I may amend it if possible.

I greatly fear I have not a copy of Old Robin Gray & that it is nearly untraceable, but I will make a

rummage & if I have another you shall have it.PoorArdwall keeps his spirits up wonderfully.”

James Nairne (1782-1847) was a member of the Scottish literature printing society founded in Edinburgh

in 1823 byWalter Scott: the Bannatyne Club.The Club published “Auld Robin Gray” in 1825.