Swann Galleries - Printed & Manuscript African Americana, Sale 2342, March 27, 2014 - page 71

The Duty of a
Rising Christian State to Contribute
to the World’s Well-Being and
Civilization and the Means by Which
it may Perform the Same. The
Annual Oration before the Common
and the Citizens of
Monrovia, Liberia, July 26, 1855;
Being the Day of National
31, [1] pages. 8vo, origi-
printed tan wrappers.
institutional stamp on the front wrapper
(AAS) otherwise and exceptional copy.
London: Wertheim & Macintosh, 1856
Alexander Crummell (1819-1898) was a pio-
neering African-American Episcopal priest,
professor and African nationalist. Ordained in
the United States, he went to England in the
late 1840s to raise money for his church by lec-
turing on American slavery. Abolitionists
supported his three years of study at
Cambridge, where he developed concepts of
Group of 12 travel brochures for various places in Africa,
1950-1960: South Africa, Natal, Bulawayo, French West Africa, Leopoldville,
Rhodesia, Ruanda, Tanganyika, Western Matabeleland, etc.
Maps and illustrations.
Various sizes; condition generally very good.
Vp, 1950-1960
Interesting group of travel brochures to areas under colonial rule that today are either indepen-
dent nations or part of larger countries altogether.
Autograph Letter Signed, addressed to J.H. Marsh, Esq.; written while on ship-
board in the “harbour of Funchal, about 1st May, 1850.”
Single 8vo, leaf, written on
one side only; crease where folded for mailing.
Funchal, [Madeira], 1850
Joseph Jenkins Roberts (1809-1876) (March 15, 1809 – February 24, 1876) was the first
(1848-1856) and seventh (1872-1876) President of Liberia. “Dear Sir: Would you have the
goodness to say to Mrs. O’Sullivan that I am sorry I cannot procure for her, on board a rare
African bird ( a parrot?). Not a sailor has one and the fortunate passengers are inexorable.” He
goes on to say that on the next trip to Liberia, he will send her “a bird or two, which may
probably interest her.” A very odd letter, we could not be sure that this was written seriously or
in some sort of code.
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