Swann Galleries - Printed & Manuscript African Americana, Sale 2342, March 27, 2014 - page 208

Autograph Letter Signed, addressed to Captain Charles F. Smith.
Single 4to leaf,
written on one side; writing quite faded, but readable.
Headquarter, 3rd U.S.C.T Jacksonville, FL NOve. 21, 1864
In offering you congratulation on your safe return from your late secret expeditions, I wish to
express my appreciation of the gallantry and daring which prompted you to volunteer for the
serviced as well as the coolness, vigilance, skill, and hardiness both physical and moral which
carried your party safely through such danger and fatigue. To penetrate twice with a small party
of footmen thirty miles within enemy lines, through a country filled with his spies, scouts and
mounted patrols, to plant your torpedoes [landmines] on his main lines of communication and
to bring your men back over the same ground were ventures involving the most extreme risks . . .
I have the great pleasure in assuring you that your brother officers both of the Regiment and of
the Brigade do full justice to your merits and feel proud to call you their comrade.”
Supplies for Colored soldiers (supplied title)
Group of over 50 pages of detailed receipts from the quartermaster of the 17th U.S.
Infantry, Colored troops; some multi-page, most signed by the Quartermaster, Captain
Augustus Kliese; condition excellent
. (WGC)
Vp, 1864-1866
The 17th Regiment, Colored Infantry was organized at Nashville, December 12th -23rd,
attached to Post at Murfreesboro, Tenn. Dept. of the Cumberland to April of 1864. They saw
action at the Battle of Nashville, December 15-16, Overton Hill, and pursuit of Hood to the
Tennessee River, 17th December. An excellent inside look at just how an army is supplied.
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