Swann Galleries - Printed & Manuscript African Americana, Sale 2342, March 27, 2014 - page 106

Walsh’s Charleston,
South Carolina 1905 City Directory.
Erratic pagination: following 44 pages of
engraved advertisements, title-page and table of contents, the text begins with page 75-
592, followed by the “Colored Department,” 433-566; 567-598 special section of
businesses. Large, thick 8vo, original printed cloth-covered boards, re-backed with black
cloth; advertising on the page edges, end-papers and paste-downs; tips and spine extremi-
ties rubbed, old library bookplate and a couple of small stamps.
Charleston, 1904
This, the 1905 Charleston Directory, is one of the first to have both a “Colored Department,
with 133 pages of listings on red paper; as well as a City Street Department (pages 101-
184), printed on red paper which lists the names of residents by street address (with a “c” after
the name for Colored residents).
Walsh’s Charleston,
South Carolina 1920 City Directory.
Erratic pagination: following 26 pages of adver-
tisements, the text begins with page 75-592, followed by the “Colored Department,”
593-848 pages. Large, thick 8vo, original cloth-backed printed cloth-covered boards; adver-
tising on the page edges, end-papers and paste-downs; tips and spine extremities rubbed,
old library bookplate and a couple of small stamps.
Charleston, 1919
Adds more than 100 pages of colored listings from the 1905 Directory. (see previous lot)
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