Swann Galleries - 20th Century Illustration - Sale 2337 - January 23, 2014 - page 63

The Ghost in the Mirror.
Ink, pencil and watercolor on stiff paper, dust jacket design for John Bellairs’s book of the
same title, New York: Dial Books for Young Readers, New York, 1993. 210x318 mm;
inches, image. Signed in ink, lower right, publisher’s ink and pencil measurements
in margins. Mounted to styrofoam board with archival tape in six places along edge and
matted. Gorey’s original pen and India ink layout of book cover and spine corner tipped to
matte verso.
This was the first Bellairs title to be completed by Brad Strickland and his name appears on the
title-page only, not the dust jacket.The two floating heads to the left of the rock on the front cover
appear within the “O” of “Ghost” and “Mirror” in the lettering in the published version.
The Drum, the Doll, and the Zombie.
Ink and watercolor on paper, cover illustration for John Bellairs and Brad Strickland’s book
of the same title, New York: Dial Books for Young Readers, 1994. 216x305 mm; 8
inches, image. Signed in pen, lower right margin, with publisher’s measurements penned in
margins. Laid into corner mounts in matte. Gorey’s original pen and India ink layout of
title-page accompanies the lot.
This is the ninth book in the Johnny Dixon series that chronicles the adventures of the title
hero, his friend Fergie and the ever peevish Professor Childermass. Gorey created this cover and
the frontispiece (his only interior illustration). The sketch on page 125 is by Strickland: “I
wanted a Voodoo symbol in one chapter, and rather than try to describe it, I sketched it out and
sent it to [Gorey]. Mr. Gorey sent my sketch—MINE!—straight to the publisher with a note
that said ‘I couldn’t do this any better. Run this.’ I felt so elated”—Bellarsia.com.
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