Page 74 - Sale 2276 part 2 - Autographs

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CLEVELAND, GROVER. Portion of an Autograph Letter Signed, as Governor,
to the Committee of the Democratic National Convention, the signature page including
the last 17 lines of text, retained draft of the letter accepting his first nomination for presi-
dent. 1 page, folio, ruled paper; remnants of prior mounting at upper corners and upper
edges verso, folds. (AKF)
[Albany, 18 August 1884]
. . . If I should be called to the Chief Magistracy of the nation by the suffrages of my fellow
citizens, I will assume the duties of that high office with a solemn determination to dedicate
every effort to the Country’s good, and with a humble reliance upon the favor and support of
the Supreme Being, who I believe will always bless honest human endeavor in the conscientious
discharge of public duty.”
Published in
The Writings and Speeches of Grover Cleveland
, ed. Parker, 1892.
Printed pictorial card commemorating Cleveland’s first Inaugural Ball on March 4,
1885, with printed signatures by Cleveland and Hendricks. 7x9