Page 21 - Sale 2276 part 2 - Autographs

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LONGSTREET, JAMES. Autograph Letter Signed, to A.S. Bacheller, declining to
write a speech and sending instead his speech delivered on the most recent anniversary of
General Grant’s death. 1 page, 8vo, ruled paper; folds. (AKF)
Gainesville, 21 January 1897
. . . I am . . . in doubt if I can find the opportunity to write as you would like. The speech on
Gen. Grant’s last anniversary delivered at Boston may meet your wishes.”
James Longstreet. Secretarial copy of his speech commemorating the fallen Union and
Confederate soldiers, closing with a conciliatory quotation from Grant’s
Personal Memoirs
. 5
pages, 4to.
PILLOW, GIDEON JOHNSON. Autograph Letter Signed, “Gid. J. Pillow,” to
Edward G.W. Butler, acknowledging receipt of his letter regarding a discovery of a head-
stone from the grave of a companion of Hernando de Soto, stating that he has written for
advice, promising to reply when he has more information. 1 page, 4to; faint scattered off-
setting, folds. With the original envelope. (AKF) Memphis, 27 February 1872
I am in receipt of your letter . . . forwarded to me from Columbia [TN] relative to the sup-
posed Head Stone of . . . one of the companions of the Spanish Cavalier [Hernando] De Soto
said to have been found in Hickman County Tennessee.
Your letter is the first information I had received of the discovery . . . .”