Page 16 - Sale 2276 part 2 - Autographs

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BRAGG, BRAXTON. Autograph Letter Signed, as Commissioner of the Board
of State Works, to Edward G.W. Butler, reporting that there are insufficient funds available
for State works in the parishes of St. Martin and Iberville. 2 pages, 4to, with integral blank,
pale blue paper; minor bleed-through overall. With the original envelope, addressed in his
hand. (AKF)
Baton Rouge, 6 January 1860
. . . I can . . . let you know the desperate position in which you are placed, and how you have
been misled.
. . . The late Swamp Land Commissioner . . . . has drawn warrants . . . . [l]eaving a very
small amount.
. . . Without means we could do nothing. And I may add that we find . . . all state works in
the same condition.
Suffering great pain from a carbuncle on my hand I can scarcely write at all, or I would not
send you such a scrawl.”
BURNSIDE, AMBROSE E. Autograph Letter Signed, “A.E.Burnside / Col,” to
J. Frank Howe, sending his autograph and postponing sending his account of the Battle of
Bull Run. 1 page, 8vo, “Quarter-Master General’s Office” stationery, ruled paper;
Burnside’s name and title written in an unknown hand at bottom edge, folds. (AKF)
Providence, 21 August 1861
. . . I would take special pleasure in writing you a full account of the battle of ‘Bull’s Run,’
which was fought the 21st of last month, but my time is so much occupied that I am compelled
to defer it to some future time. . . .”