Page 12 - Sale 2276 part 2 - Autographs

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SCHURZ, CARL. Three items, each Signed “C. Schurz”: Autograph Letter *
Franking Signature, on envelope * Clipped Signature, on a slip of paper. Format and con-
dition vary. (AKF)
Washington, 1 March 1875; Boston, 4 September [1869-81]; Np, nd
ALS, to John B. Babcock, expressing wishes for success of a fair to be held in support of the
Mercantile Literary Fund. 1 page, 8vo, with integral blank * Franking Signature, envelope
addressed in his hand, to E.W. Sate. 3x5
inches * Clipped Signature, ruled paper. 1
SHERIDAN, PHILIP H. Autograph Letter Signed, “P.H.Sheridan,” as
Commanding General, to Rose Elizabeth Cleveland, sending thanks on behalf of Mrs.
Sheridan for an invitation and conveying regrets that she cannot attend due to illness. 2
pages, 12mo, written on the first and terminal pages of a single folded sheet. With the
original envelope, addressed in his hand. (AKF)
Washington, 16 February 1886
(SIGNERS.) Group of 6 items Signed, Signed and Inscribed, or unsigned in holo-
graph. Format and condition vary.
Vp, vd
Josiah Bartlett. Autograph Document Signed, as Justice of the Peace, ordering the sheriff to
bring witnessess before him. Kingston, 30 September 1772 * Benjamin Harrison. Document
Signed, “Benj Harrison,” as Governor, certifying that Venet Tapp is entitled to land for serving
in the Virginia Line. “Council Chamber,” 20 June 1783 * Roger Sherman. Signature on a
fragment of a document: “Debenture of the House of Assistants.” With additional signatures
by Eliphalet Dyer and Jabez Huntington. New Haven, October 1769 * John Morton.
Autograph Document Signed, as Sheriff, receipt for £25.12.8 from Persifor Frazer. Np, 25
August 1768 * Caesar Rodney. Clipped portion of a Document Signed, “Caesar Rodney,
Speaker,” including only “Signed by Order of the House” in an unknown hand. Np, nd *
James Smith. Autograph Manuscript, unsigned, 24 lines of notes concerning an orphan’s court
order. Np, 6 November 1779.
SUMNER, CHARLES. Autograph Letter Signed, to John Kenyon, introducing
President of Brown University Francis Wayland, stating that he desires to study education
as practiced in England including Oxford and Cambridge, and asking whether he could
arrange visits to Eton and Harrow and Westmister. 3 pages, 8vo, written on a single folded
sheet. (AKF)
Boston, 4 October 1840
. . . President Wayland, . . . one of the most distinguished literary & scientific gentlemen of
my country . . . . visits England, in order to examine & study your great seats of learning. . . .”
SUMNER, CHARLES. Autograph Quotation dated and Signed: “Ours is a noble
cause; nobler / than that of our Fathers, inasmuch / as it is more exalted to struggle / for
the Freedom of others than for / our own.”
page, 8vo, with integral blank. (AKF)
Boston, 19 May 1853