Sale 2468 - Early Printed, Medical, Scientific & Travel Books, March 8, 2018
Use of Rome. Contents: 1r-10v, calendar; 11r-14v, Gospel lessons; 15r-66v, Hours of the Virgin, with border on first page of Matins and Lauds and decorated initial on first page of the other hours; 67r-70v, Mass of the Virgin, with border on first page; 71r-86v, Penitential Psalms and Litany, with border on first page; 87r-90v, Hours of the Holy Cross, with border on first page; 91r-93v, Hours of the Holy Spirit, with border on first page; 94r-96v, Athanasian Creed; 97r-100r, Obsecro te; 101r-104v, Oratio Sancti Augustini, beginning “Domine dulcissime jesu christe, verus deus, qui de sinu summi patris omnipotentis missus es”; 105r-106v, prayer before confession, beginning “Conditor coeli & terre, rex regum & dominus dominantium, qui me de nihilo fecisti.” 157 c (MANUSCRIPT.) Illuminated Book of Hours in Latin on vellum, written in gothic book hand in black ink with headings and rubrics in red, 20 lines, recto and verso. six full - page borders with flowers , birds , animals , and insects painted in colors on gold ground ; 13 historiated or decorated initials of 5-6 lines; smaller roman initials in gold on differently colored grounds throughout. 106 leaves, not including the Office of the Dead but otherwise complete. 132x87 mm, late 19th-century brown morocco gilt in imitation Renaissance style by Lloyd with inlaid strapwork on covers; margins trimmed touching edge of some borders, contents generally clean apart from stain along bottom edge of several leaves toward beginning, initials left off some calendar entries and supplied in later pencil, hour of Terce mistakenly headed Ad primam. Initialled purchase inscription of William Augustus White. Flanders, early 16th century [6,000/9,000]