Sale 2461 - Autographs, November 7, 2017

77 c   (SCIENTISTS.) FREUD, SIGMUND. Autograph Letter Signed, “Freud,” to “Esteemed Doctor,” in German, expressing his inability to help due to illness, and sending a letter of recommendation [not present]. 1 page, 8vo, “Prof. Sigm. Freud” stationery; short closed tear at upper edge, folds; matted with a portrait and framed. London, 29 May 1939 [2,500/3,500] “In my present state of illness and in my isolation from all contacts, I am definitely not the right one to whom you could turn for advice and help. It seems to me that the enclosed recommendation is the best thing I can do for you.” By the time of writing, Freud had begun radiation therapy, enduring frequent pain and discomfort caused by the cancer consuming his jaw. He died from an overdose of morphine four months later.