Sale 2461 - Autographs, November 7, 2017

275 c   WEBSTER, NOAH. Autograph Letter Signed, “N Webster,” to Washington pub- lishers Gales & Seaton, requesting that his subscription to the Daily Intelligencer be changed to the tri-weekly paper and, in a half-page long postscript, complaining that the daily papers have been arriving two or three times a week rather than daily. 1 page, 4to; remnants of prior mounting at corners and right edge verso, faint scattered staining, folds. New Haven, 3 January 1834 [800/1,200] The postscript:“TheTri-weekly paper will probably arrive as often as the Daily, which comes but three or four times in the week—often three papers at once. It appears to me that the business of the Post Office is accumulated to the degree that the care of transmitting public prints & pamphlets ought to be committed to a separate officer . . . . Certain it is that there is not the same care in transmitting papers as there is in sending letters.”