Sale 2461 - Autographs, November 7, 2017

259 259 c   MITCHELL, MARGARET. Group of three Typed Letters Signed, “Margaret Mitchell Marsh” or “M.M.M.,” to a publisher (“Dear John”). The first, signed in full, thanking for trying to help recover royalties that have been due for years and reporting that she is investigating the possibility of an edition of her book published in Italian for Swiss readers. The second, informing him that John [Marsh, her husband] has been suffering from fever and may not be able to attend their meeting. The third, sending a newspaper clipping containing a correction involving the recipient [not present], expressing regret that his first trip to the deep South should have encountered problems, and apologizing that she could not show him her town because,“while it’s prettiest in the spring, it is hard to beat in the fall.” Each 1 page, 4to, personal stationery; horizontal fold, paperclip impres- sion to upper edge of two later letters. Atlanta, 22 February; 27 September; 11 October 1945 [800/1,200] 22 February: “. . . Mr. Karp is the NewYork representative of Mondadori (my Italian publisher) and he is taking up for me the question of whether Mondadori is publishing a Swiss edition in Italian. . . .” 260 c   MOORE, GEORGE. Incomplete galley proof for part III of his serial article “Moods and Memories” Signed, with 12 or more holograph corrections.The article, printed on three separate leaves two of which are versions of same section, published in the July 1904 issue of Lippincott’s Magazine . Signed at end of text. 3 pages, 30x7 inches, written on rectos only; minor loss to lower edge of one leaf, horizontal folds, faint scattered uneven toning. Np, circa 1904 [300/400]