Sale 2461 - Autographs, November 7, 2017

POET DIPS INTO POLITICS 252 c   LOWELL, JAMES RUSSELL. Letter Signed, “J.R. Lowell,” to Representative Ebenezer R. Hoar, thanking him for accepting the nomination for U.S. Representative because he opposes the other Republican nominee, Benjamin F. Butler. 2 pages, 4to, written on first and third pages of a folded sheet, ruled paper; horizontal folds. Np, [1876] [400/600] “. . .The platform adopted by the Convention defined the main issues of the campaign as Reform in the Civil Service; Just and conciliatory treatment of the South and Resumption of Specie payments, and nominated candidates who are in hearty sympathy with this platform. . . . “We feel that we owe it to you to express our hearty thanks for your course in accepting a nomination in opposition to General Butler and our earnest hope that by your election to the House . . . the admin- istration . . . will have the great advantage of your counsel and support.” In the summer of 1876, Lowell served as a delegate to the Republican National Convention, support- ing the nomination of Rutherford B. Hayes for president.Although Lowell’s home of Cambridge lay in the 5th congressional district, he evidently felt strongly about candidates in congressional races elsewhere who would be impacting the agenda of the administration he correctly anticipated to be led by Hayes, who was elected the following year. In November of 1876, Ebenezer R. Hoar ran against Benjamin F. Butler, both Republicans, in the contest for U.S. Representative from the 7th district in MA. Hoar lost, obtaining only 92 votes against Butler’s 341.