Sale 2461 - Autographs, November 7, 2017

244 c   HESSE, HERMANN. Archive of 24 printed works by Hesse Signed, or Inscribed and Signed, “H Hesse” or “HH,” to Josef Englert (“Jos. Englert” or “Jup Englert”): Two books, each with a drawing by him * 11 offprints * 11 newspaper clippings.The inscriptions, each sending brief greetings, in German, most in pencil. Format and condition vary. Np, 1921-62 [1,000/1,500] Books: Zehn Gedichte. “Dem Freund Jos. Englert / von seinem / H Hesse,” on the title-page.Addi- tionally illustrated on rear blank with small ink and watercolor drawing, unsigned, showing a house under a tree near a lake. Bern: Stämpfli & Cie., nd * Im Banne des Unbedingten. With small ink and watercolor drawing, Signed and Inscribed, “Gruss von / H. Hesse,” showing a tree near a lake, mounted at upper corners to inner front cover. Stuttgart: Fr. Frommanns Verlag, 1931. Offprints: “Orgelspiel.” Np, 2 July 1937 * “Kriegerisches Zeitalter.” Np, [1939].With an undated TNS, “H Hesse,” in pencil, wishing luck in his new house, in German * “Der Letzte Glasperlen- spieler.” Hamburg, 1939.With an undated TNS,“H Hesse,” in pencil, remarking that the poem was printed without his knowledge, in German * “Leben einer Blume.”Np, nd * “Eine Art Glaubensbek- enntnis.Antwort auf die Umfrage einer protestantischen Zeitschrift.” Np, [1931] * “Die Sendung des Dichters.” Beuron, [1932] * “Erinnerung an ein Paar Bücher.”Np, 1934 * “Der Regenmacher.”Np, 1934 * “Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre.”Np, [1934] * “Magie des Buches.”Np, nd * “Ein Brief nach Deutschland.” Np, nd. Newspaper clippings: mostly articles, various Swiss newspapers and magazines published between 1921 and 1956. with — Uncorrected proofs for Novalis: Dokumente seines Lebens und Sterbens . Ed. Hermann Hesse and Karl Isenberg. Small 8vo, loose leaves. Berlin, 1925 * Facsimile of the original manuscript: I’m Pressel’schen Gartenhaus, Novelle. 4to, publisher’s boards. Dresden, (1920) * Group of over 25 offprints and newspaper clippings, unsigned. INSCRIBEDTO FIRST DIRECTOR OF NEW YORK CITY OPERA 245 c   HUGHES, LANGSTON. Freedom’s Plow . Signed and Inscribed,“For Laszio Halasz, / Sincerely,” on the front cover. 8vo, wrappers, staple binding; faint toning along lower edge. Later printing. NewYork, (1946) [300/400] The final words of the printed poem:“. . . KeepYour Hand on the Plow! Hold on!” 245