Sale 2461 - Autographs, November 7, 2017

204 c   SPONTINI, GASPARE. Autograph Letter Signed, “Spontini,” to Director of the Royal Academy of Music ÉmileTimothée Lubbert, in French, reminding him that the com- missioned translation of “d’Agnes” [Spontini’s opera, Agnes von Hohenstaufen ] is complete and that he awaits the promised meeting. 1 page, 8vo, with integral address leaf; faint marginal discoloration from prior matting. Np,“Thursday the 19th” circa 1838 [600/900] “. . . I . . . completed the most difficult and painstaking translation of d’Agnes , which you had com- missioned, and . . . I was consequently expecting the meeting that you had been so kind as to promise me. At this meeting, . . . the only thing necessary would be your presence, Monsieur, the presence of Messrs. Delavique, . . . and that of M. [Eugène?] Scribe, and my own presence. I cannot hide the fact that uncertainties and the loss of time are the punishment of my life, as much as certainty, and freedom . . . are my elements. . . .”