Sale 2461 - Autographs, November 7, 2017

190 c   REGER, MAX. Two items on the same sheet, each dated and Signed: Autograph Musical Quotation * Autograph Manuscript. The quotation, 3 bars from his unpublished choral work, “Hoch lebe dies Haus,” notated on a system of two hand-drawn staves, with holograph lyrics, in German. Additionally signed by his wife, Elsa Reger. The manuscript, a statement in five lines, remarking that some academics are urged to avoid this page, in German. 1 page, 4to, margins ruled in red; folds; matted with portrait and framed. Prague, 7 June 1905 [1,500/2,500] “Professors at academies and universities ‘against’ music are urged, in the interest of their own health, to regards this page with aversion and to turn to another page at once.” 191 c   RESPIGHI, OTTORINO. Autograph Musical Quotation dated Signed, two bars from his Le fontane di Roma , notated on a hand-drawn stave, with holograph title and lyrics. 3 1 / 2 x4 1 / 4 inches; matted with portrait and framed. Rome, 3 June 1923 [200/300] 190