Sale 2461 - Autographs, November 7, 2017

“But we won’t really be constituted until Rosen (iko jan) and you (achi) and Klingman [two bars of music on tiny stave] and I [bar of music on tiny stave] resume having breakfast together. Indeed, Rosen is now a professor again, his close friend Spring Rice a minister, and now quite the talking point. The only question is whether the daughters are still learning German. . . . I probably should have asked Rosen himself about that, for I often teased him about this story; but since his last trip through here, when he stayed with me, I have written to him only once, which is quite inexcusable. This is due to my incredible laziness regarding correspondence, and only dear letters such as yours can jolt me out of it. The worst of it is that one ends up getting out of practice and can no longer think of anything to write about—that’s the case with me now. Consequently, I shall copy a song for you that I recently wrote, which you should sing. [May Song] “. . . You say you wanted to see, often to hear about us; just do it, and let us hear about you. You could write Indic, but no one in Düsseldorf would understand it. . . .”