Sale 2460 - Old Master Through Modern Prints, November 2, 2017

239 c AUGUSTE RODIN Le Printemps . Drypoint on cream laid paper, 1882-88. 145x98 mm; 5 3 / 4 x3 7 / 8 inches, full margins. A superb, richly-inked impression. Delteil 4. [1,000/1,500] 240 c GUSTAVE DORÉ Pauvresse à Londres . Etching, 1873. 645x433 mm; 25 1 / 2 x17 inches, full margins. A superb, evenly-printed impres­ sion of this extremely scarce etching. We have found only 2 other impressions at auction in the past 30 years. Beraldi 14. [1,000/1,500] 239 240