Sale 2459 - Rare & Important Travel Posters, October 26, 2017

JOSEPH DE LA NÉZIÈRE (1873-1944) 47 c SIMPLON - ORIENT - EXPRESS. 1926. 41 3 / 4 x30 1 / 4 inches, 106x76 3 / 4 cm. Lucien Serre, & Cie., Paris. Condition A: minor creases in margins and image; minor abrasions in image. Elegant and exotic, the Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits’ Simplon Orient Express quite literally connected East and West. The complete network could take travelers from London and deposit them in Istanbul. Further connections via the Taurus Express reached Cairo and Bassora, in present-day Iraq. In the Yugoslavian city of Nish, the Simplon Orient Express had a corresponding route that led to Athens. Here, a train is pictured steaming past the Acropolis and other Greek ruins. Wagons-Lits 141. [2,500/3,500]