Sale 2459 - Rare & Important Travel Posters, October 26, 2017

For all the great graphic publicity produced for the New York World’s Fair, among some of the best and rarest images were those designed by foreign shipping lines using the Fair as an enticement for their passengers. Both the Cunard White Star Line and Holland-America Line produced posters touting the event. Unlike American advertisements, these foreign images not only depicted the Trylon and Perisphere, but also used graphic Art Deco depictions of New York’s skyline, which proved to be an incredible draw for foreign visitors. Ten Broek designed several powerful Art Deco posters for the Holland-America Line as well as KNSM. It is uncertain how often the Holland-America Line was able to offer this World’s Fair service to its passengers, as the outbreak of World War II in 1939 (just a few months after the Fair began) would have severely limited, if not curtailed, the leisure activities of the ocean liner companies. This is the French version. Crouse p. 233, Schipp & Affiche p. 111 (var). [4,000/6,000] Lot 28 (continued)