Sale 2459 - Rare & Important Travel Posters, October 26, 2017

170 171 MARGARET CURTIS HAYTHORNE (1893-?) 170 c LONDON’S TRAMWAYS / LATE THEATRE SERVICES BY TRAMWAY. 1922. 28 1 / 4 x14 1 / 4 inches, 71 3 / 4 x36 1 / 4 cm. Condition A: unobtrusive vertical and horizontal folds. One from a series of black and white posters that were the first produced for the London City Council tramways, they were also “the only ones to carry the LLC’s coat of arms” (Tramway p. 12). Haythorne studied at the Liverpool City School of Art and became a member of the Society of Wood Engravers in 1924. She designed one other poster for the LCC. Tramway p. 13 (var). [700/1,000] F. GREGORY BROWN (1887-1941) 171 c ASCOT BY MOTOR BUS. 1922. 39 3 / 4 x24 3 / 4 inches, 101x63 cm. Waterlow & Sons Ltd. Lith., London. Condition A-: minor repaired tears and creases at edges. Gregory Brown began working for the London Underground Group in 1916. His early work showed “a remarkable similarity of approach” to the designs of Edward McKnight Kauffer. “Brown, three years older than Kauffer, began his working life apprenticed to an art metalworker, but abandoned this to become an illustrator. [Brown became] one of the major exponents of the brightly colored rural landscape . . . always using vivid and well-defined tones” (Underground p. 37). Brown’s landscapes during this early period were of “simplified form and exaggerated color . . . [and he became one of several] masters of the technique” (London Transport p. 213). Brown designed over 60 posters for the London Underground, and worked for British train companies and the Empire Marketing Board. As a painter, his landscapes were exhibited at the Royal Academy. [700/1,000]