Page 89 - Sale 2276 part 2 - Autographs

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LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. Autograph Endorsement Signed, “A. Lincoln,” 7 lines
on the terminal page of a draft of a Confederate pardon for Tennessee Circuit Judge David
T. Patterson. The endorsement, requesting that the Attorney General create pardons for the
cases indicated according to the request of Governor [Andrew] Johnson. The pardon, in an
unknown hand, stating that Patterson had been elected to the office of Circuit Judge and
that he accepted honorably after Tennessee’s secession, and granting him “a full and
unconditional release, discharge, and remission of all the pains, penalties and liabilities
incurred . . . by . . . having participated . . . in the existing rebellion; with full consideration
of all his rights and property except as to slaves.” After the text of the pardon are written,
in the same hand, the names of two others who were to receive similar pardons: Seth J. W.
Lucky, Chancellor, and John C. Grant, Circuit Judge. 2
pages, 4to, ruled paper, written on
a single folded sheet; silked on pages 2 and 3, nearly complete separation at center vertical
fold., slight fading to text but endorsement bold. With the original “Attorney General’s
Office” envelope, docketed on front panel. (AKF)
[Washington], March 7 1864
Gov. Johnson— our / Pardons. / Attorney General please / make out pardons in / these
cases in the forms / Gov. Johnson will re- / quest.”