Page 46 - Sale 2276 part 2 - Autographs

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(INDIA.) BURKE, EDMUND. Autograph Letter Signed, “EdmBurke,” to an
unnamed recipient (“D’r Sir”), declining to meet today due to the trial [the impeachment
of former Governor-General of India Warren Hastings] and suggesting an alternative time
and a meeting place. 1 page, 4to, with integral blank; short closed tears at folds, minor
smudging to text at two points, remnants of prior mounting along center vertical fold on
terminal page. (AKF)
“Wednesday morn.” [London, 7 May 1788: from docketing]
I am very sorry that the Trial prevents me from the honour of receiving you & the Gentlemen
of the Committee this morning. The same objection [applies] . . . tomorrow, unless you can
meet tomorrow at ten or before. The place most sure to meet me is the Hall itself, where I shall
spend the greater part of the two days, & if you send in to the Managers Bar, I shall come out
& wait your Commands.”
(INDIA.) HASTINGS, WARREN. Autograph Letter Signed, as Governor-
General of Bengal, to an unnamed recipient (“Sir”), complaining that unlicensed
Europeans reside in Lucknow and that the Nawab is failing to compell them to depart,
insisting that Mr. Scott be removed, asking why Captain Marrack remains, allowing an
exception for Captain Darell until the rains cease, requesting a list of all unlicensed
Europeans in Lucknow, and noting that Col. Nobei[?] & Col. Martine have been excepted
by the Board but that they also must depart if they do not receive the sanction of the
Nawab. 3
pages, small 4to, written on a single folded sheet; complete separation at center
vertical fold repaired with tissue on both recto and verso touching text and signature.
“Fort William” [Calcutta], 24 July 1782
Notwithstanding the Faith of Gov’t pledged to the Nabob for the Removal of all unlicensed
Europeans from his Capital & from his Country, & without his tending my repeated
Injuctions to you, I am informed that Numbers yet remain at Lucnow, and the Nabob himself
has made it the Subject of a formal Complaint. . . . [M]y Credit, & the Dignity of our Gov’t
is hurt by this Contempt of its Authority. . . .”