Page 27 - Sale 2274 Part II - 19-20th Century Photographs Photobooks - April 4 2012

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Portrait of Indianapolis Hoosiers’s catcher John Thomas “Tug” Arundel. Collodion positive on an
iron support, 7x5 inches (17.8x12.7 cm.). 1887
Tug Arundel was a professional baseball catcher from 1882 to 1888. He played for the Philadelphia
Athletics, theToledo Blue Stockings, the Indianapolis Hoosiers, and theWashington Senators.This image
is identical to a Goodwin & Co. photograph used on early baseball cigarette cards (Old Judge card #13-
2 and Gypsy Queen card #1-1887).
To create this compelling image, the emulsion was likely hand-coated on the plate on top of the white
fill material, exposed to a negative, processed, and varnished.